Feeling Like A Queen in This £25 DIY One-shoulder Bridal Satin Dress | DIY Queen S1E01
Ep. 1 DIY Queen is for a £25 DIY one-shoulder bridal satin dress that has me Feeling Like A Queen
Video starts at 00:00
Intro 00:22
Dress design 01:30
Fabric shopping 01:41
Cutting the dress 07:10
Sewing the dress 08:29
Finished dress 10:48
What I would I change 11:01
Find more of my work online https://www.instagram.com/kimdavedesigns/
~~ Copyright 📢 ~~
Videography by Stoikerty
Editing by Kim Dave
Filmed & Photographed with:
Camera - Panasonic G9, Micro Four Thirds
Lens - Panasonic Leica 10-25mm f1.7
Music is from Epidemic sound
~~ Buy sewing supplies 🛒 (handpicked by me!) ~~
Amazon store front (U.K.) https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/priscilliaokpan
Sewing Supplies (US) • https://www.amazon.com/shop/priscilliaokpan