Feral Foal Rescue
Our area does in deed have feral horses that live out on the range lands all year round. They have been for years; the stallions have the herds broken up into multiple little bands of broodmares, foals & yearlings living wildly amongst the sage brush & grasslands.
Part of Jordan's job as Range Rider, is to keep an eye on the herds, the grasslands & the boundary fences.
April 2021 Jordan was out checking the range fence line up along the watering hole, when he thought it was peculiar that two horses was not instantly running away from him approaching. These herds are notorious for their ability to sense peoples presence and to keep a wide distance from us. Jordan stopped to video them, sending the clips to Candice to show that some horses are close range and that she should come up and photograph them for her website. What he did not realize was that they were standing their ground & protecting a new born foal that was stuck in deep mud near the watering hole.
It was after being chased at a few times by the horses, that Jordan looped down towards a gully that he noticed the foal.
The mare was being what nature intended of her - a strong, protective mother, and the stallion kept his presence known and company to the guarding mare.
Candice arrived to give Jordan a hand, it took the both of them to watch the mare and pull the foal out. This video shows clips through out what was probably two hours, of pulling the foal out, rubbing it down, giving it electro lites and waiting for the mare to re-claim the baby.
watch as the story unfolds and the ending is one of love.
this video & photos are copyright of Candice Camille Photography
#feralhorse #feralfoal #wildhorses
#rangelands #cowboying #britishcolumbia #grasslands #rescuehorse