***Thank you for using my links! I receive a small commission from the shops I Link to for your FULL order, not just what I am linking to. All of this helps support my small family business 💕
::Download, Enter & photos at https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/2023/07/a-giveaway-festivals-fireworks-block-week-6-a-free-pattern.html
::Block Wednesday, Festival & Fireworks, project page https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/festivals-fireworks.html
::Fabrics Show
--My Promise me, white flowers, I will use as the background for my Christmas stars https://shrsl.com/4570m
--I love Lily cream small dots https://shrsl.com/456zw
--Beautiful Day white with sprigs https://shrsl.com/45702
--Nantucket Summer lattice https://shrsl.com/45706
--Dwell pindot https://shrsl.com/45709
--Pumpkin & Blossoms pumpkin flower https://shrsl.com/4570a
--Eyelet White https://shrsl.com/4570h
--Eyelet snow https://shrsl.com/4570j
--Stars and Branches andover 100 yr anniver line https://shrsl.com/4570y
--Aqua scattered dots on white https://shrsl.com/45713
--Country rose dots https://shrsl.com/45715
--Gray speckle https://shrsl.com/4570u
::FREE Pattern - https://youtu.be/2N0ieZgJ-2w Kendall’s video using my Porch swing . He carries my fabrics in his shop in Australia, visit at https://www.quiltingbasics.com.au/precuts/pat-sloan
;:Dragonfly from https://www.facebook.com/hunnybeedesignz/ but it is not a pattern at this time
-- My Community where anyone can join! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan
::Sloan Zone Tshirts, tote, Mug at https://kdspain.com/sloanzone
Quilts on the Walls
::Quilt behind me on back side of the table is Summer starlet at https://shrsl.com/40gnx
::My Red and White quilt is in this book https://amzn.to/3IFMfnj where it is blue and white
::Organization items
Design boards:: https://shrsl.com/2c4dm
Project storage Containers/bins box I use at https://shrsl.com/2qkki and https://amzn.to/2FcOnBp
Labels https://amzn.to/32CabSt
Chalk pens https://amzn.to/3UCsgZ7
-- Download your Monthly Calendar & Project tracker sheet ***
::My Project Info::
– Watch my FREE Videos & ‘Like’ my channel by clicking the ‘subscribe’ button so you don’t ever miss a thing! https://www.youtube.com/user/PatSloan?sub_confirmation=1
– Join my Kitchen Adventure community https://www.facebook.com/groups/KitchenAdventuresWithPat/
– Sign up for notices https://madmimi.com/signups/354180/join
– Find all the Sew Along project pages at https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/
– Pat’s Quilt Gallery https://blog.patsloan.com/pat-sloans-quilt-gallery.html
#quilting #quiltlove #quilts #quilt #quilter #quiltalong #sewalong #freequiltpattern #quiltvideo #freequiltpattern
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