Subtitles (cc): English, German, French, Italian, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (LaAm), Russian, Dutch, Greek, Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Credits Below
“My front runner for game of the year” —James Hudson of Druid City Games. Kickstarter:
"Feudum is a rarity of rarities in the board game world. I can't recommend it enough! It is beautiful. It has high interactivity between you and the other players. It has that quintessential multiple paths to victory that everyone seems to love. I judge a game by how many plays I can get out of it. Feudum feels like it's a Pandora's box of that thing that I’m looking for: Tons of exploration and tons of ways to win. This is a game that I will be pulling down on a repeated basis. The game is absolutely fantastic." — Lance Myxter of Undead Viking
“It melts my brain in the most glorious way! The artwork and the whole style is so fanciful, lighthearted and fun that it begs people to play it!” —David Waybright of Man Vs Meeple
“This is elegant! That beautiful feeling you get from an old school Euro that 'if you just had one more action this round' was there all game long. It all fits together in what I think will be a centerpiece game for your collection.” —Brandon Kempf in the What Did You Play This Week Podcast Thing
"This is one that i will be 100% absolutely backing...Everything about this game gets me jumping out of my pants." — The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast
"One of the cool things that I love is that you have differentiated difficulty levels—the base/beginner game and advanced rules...I'm already thinking 'okay that's cool, that's a fun advanced rule!'" —Travis D. Hill of Low Player Count
“I had the pleasure of playing a prototype of Feudum at Geekway to the West. I had a good time! It's a heavy Euro game with lots of interesting decisions and a healthy dose of player interaction.” —Designer of Viticulture, Euphoria, Tuscany and Scythe, Jamey Stegmaier
“I cannot wait for this game to come out! If I were ever to design a board game, this is the game I would design.” —Richard Ham of Rahdo Runs Through (Top 25 Anticipated Games of 2016)
“Articulate and Inventive…If you’re a true gamer seeking a real challenge, this is the game.” —A Game of Thrones LCG World Champion, Samuel Tham
“Very challenging...very tactical. I love that it is unforgiving.” —Two-time Valhalla's Gate Puerto Rico Champion, Brett Barton
"It's surprisingly well balanced even for as many as 5 or 6 players with strategies and options that can't all begin to be explored with just one play-through. I've added it to my list of games to try to play as often as possible, right up there with Eclipse, Brass, Lords of Waterdeep and Power Grid." —Tabletop Enthusiast, Glen Greeson
"Playing with two players may be even more fun (and challenging) than playing with a group! It opens up the board and allows you to try different strategies, yet still maintains the feel and charm of the game. I've played with 2, 3, 4 and 5 players, and after playing Feudum more than 10 times I've enjoyed every game I've played.” —Playtester, Tim Maylander
Translation Credits:
English: Mark Swanson
German: Peer Lagerpusch
French: Stéphane Athimon
Spanish (Spain): Daniel Collado
Spanish (LaAm): Roberto Zaragoza Gascón
Italian: Massimo de Seta
Russian: Alexander Petrunin
Dutch: Yannick De Ruyter
Greek: Dimitris Xenodochiaris
Portuguese (Brazil): Victor Menegatti