Fun & Interesting

【FHD】JR総武緩行線 千葉駅にて(At Chiba Station on the JR Sobu Line (Local Service))

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★一般的な質問やリクエストはこちらへ (Common question or request is here) → JR総武緩行線(JR Sobu Line (Local Service)): JR総武本線(JR Sobu Main Line): JR成田線(JR Narita Line): JR内房線(JR Uchibo Line): JR外房線(JR Sotobo Line): JR総武緩行線の千葉駅を発着する列車を撮影しました。 I took trains arriving at and departing from Chiba station on the JR Sobu line (local service). Twitter: Google+:
