Some characters survive by being the smartest person in the room. Others stay ahead by bending the rules. Some chase power, others chase a dream, and a few refuse to change, no matter the cost.
This video looks at eight characters who play by their own rules—some for survival, some for selfishness, and some because they don’t know any other way.
🔹 Jack Sparrow always looks out for himself.
🔹 Sherlock Holmes solves mysteries for the challenge, not justice.
🔹 Jay Gatsby builds his life around an illusion.
🔹 Walter White trades morality for power.
🔹 Holden Caulfield rejects the world before it can reject him.
🔹 Odysseus is a hero undone by his own pride.
🔹 Rick Sanchez treats people like disposable pieces in his universe.
🔹 Nathan Drake lives for the chase, no matter the cost.
Each of them is brilliant in their own way. Each of them is also their own worst enemy.
#PiratesOfTheCaribbean #SherlockHolmes #TheGreatGatsby #BreakingBad #CatcherInTheRye #TheOdyssey #RickAndMorty #Uncharted