FIELD COMMANDER C. the Songs of Leonard Cohen
recorded live at the Liederhalle Stuttgart (05.04.2019)
00:00:07 The Guests (lyrics)
00:01:35 The Guests
00:09:11 Famous Blue Raincoat
00:15:15 The Gypsy's Wife
00:21:20 The Smokey Life (Lyrics)
00:23:59 The Smokey Life
00:29:53 Song of Bernadette
00:34:15 Bird on the Wire (Rolf erzählt)
00:36:18 Bird on the Wire
00:42:06 Lover, Lover, Lover
00:49:23 The Window
00:55:49 Coming back to You
01:00:07 Who by Fire
01:04:35 If it be your Will (Lyrics)
01:07:13 If it be your Will
01:11:22 Why don't you try?
01:15:11 So Long Marianne
01:21:55 Suzanne
weitere Infos zur Band und Tourdaten:
produced by Medienpalast Landau und augeohr audiovisual content production
Bildregie: Philipp Hirsch
Schnitt: Lena Dillman
Tonaufnahme: Oliver Thiel
Tonmischung und Mastering: Rolf Ableiter