HUGE, HEAVY Trains On The Hill! Working Hard Sanding The Rails! Norfolk Southern Trains With DPUs and mixed freights with almost every freight car from the yard. These trains are in Crescent Springs, Kentucky on the Cincinnati owned Rat Hole Line. A flange greaser on the hill and 4 monster trains trying to stay under control on the steepest and curviest part of the hill. These trains are running between the Ohio River and Erlanger, Kentucky.
The first train is a heavy train going up the hill, sanding the rails with a DPU on the rear. While this train is going up the hill we have an even longer train with a DPU in the middle going down the hill. Check out the depressed springs on the loaded cars.
We also have a couple more trains going down the hill with all kinds of mixed freight. The railroad crossing here gets blocked by trains for long periods of time. These are very long trains and it's no wonder that people will run the gates or turn around and go another way. Too bad they aren't railfans. Lol. We also have a boxcar with an open door. A good ride for someone.
This is the line that Cincinnati is trying to sell to Norfolk Southern for 1.6 billion dollars. Residents of Cincinnati will soon be voting to either sell the railroad or keep it. It leases for over 25 million a year. We also see another car wreck that had the road closed on my long way home. Don't forget the pets and the slide show that comes from the video.
Filmed Wednesday, September 27, 2023 in 1080p with 60fps. Thanks for watching!
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CSX train derailment that I filmed recently:
Check out my steam train playlist for some really cool videos including the Big Boy! I also have other railroad videos of all types including short lines, street runners and cabooses in action. Please watch another video to help support my channel:
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