Film Noir is a unique period in filmmaking history which produced a style that has continued to transcend genres and evolve across the zeitgeist of modern filmmaking.
In this episode i'll show you four noir lighting setups, and explore the reasoning for these creative choices.
This episode was filmed using the RED Komodo 6K, edited in DaVinci Resolve and Colour Graded within DaVinci using Dehancer Pro. i used the the Illford XP2 Super 400 Film profile for my film choice, and paired this with Dehancer's Bloom and Film Grain Effects
If you're unsure of what Dehancer is i'd highly recommend checking out my part 1 & 2 Videos in which i go in depth across all of the softwares features.
Dehancer Pro OFX Review Part 1 - The Best Film Emulation for Resolve:
Dehancer Part 2:
Dehancer Part 3:
If you're interested in purchasing a copy of Dehancer you can do so at and if you use the promo code IANTHURSTAN you'll also be able to receive a 10% discount.
Title & lower thirds were created using the MotionVFX MTutorial Package
Lights used across this video:
Aputure 300x
Aputure 60x
Dedo 150w + Spotlight Lens Projector
Practicals (Bankers Light)
00:00 - What is Film Noir
01:04 - Noir Lighting Setup 1
04:11 - Noir Lighting Setup 2
06:14 - Noir Lighting Setup 3
07:13 - Noir Lighting Setup 4
08:52 - Noir Conclusion