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I've recently become addicted to shooting instant film, specifically Impossible Project film in a couple of old Polaroid cameras (a Polaroid OneStep Close-Up and a Polaroid SX-70). So on a recent trip to Baja California in Mexico, I decided to bring my Polaroid OneStep and put a few packs of film through it.
Upon returning home, I was anxious to share these beauties with the world, and no better way to do that than via the web. So that means I need to make digital files out of these analog prints.
One common way to digitize Polaroid prints is to photograph them with a digital camera. But I don't particularly like this method because getting good even light on the print while avoiding reflections can be tricky. So that leaves scanning using a flatbed scanner like my Epson V750.
I originally thought it would be as easy as throwing the print on the scanner glass and clicking "start." However a sneaky nuisance called "Newton Rings" reared it's ugly head, making the process much more complicated than I anticipated. Newton Rings are these swirly colorful rings that show up when 2 smooth glossy surfaces come in contact with each other (i.e. The glossy print touching the glossy scanner glass). These Newton Rings will ruin your scan, and the only solution is to get a tiny bit of space between the print and the glass.
In this video I'll show you how to utilize a spent Impossible Project film cartridge to create a "mounting tray" of sorts for holding the print just barely off the glass, thus eliminating Newton Rings.
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