Final Fantasy XIV: DAWNTRAIL - Job Action Trailer Reaction + an extended rewatch for the things I missed. Super Excited for the new expansion!
00:00 Live Reaction
21:46 Extended Rewatch Start
22:41 Dragoon
27:40 Paladin
30:14 Warrior
32:14 Astrologian
36:25 Dancer
37:53 Reaper
40:22 Red Mage
41:58 Machinist
44:31 Ninja
48:00 Sage
49:07 Black Mage
51:22 Viper
52:21 White Mage
53:48 Monk
59:47 Dark Knight
1:02:59 Bard
1:06:50 Summoner
1:09:32 Samurai
1:12:17 Scholar
1:14:14 Pictomancer
1:15:47 Gunbreaker