Hi I’m Carrie, I’m sharing and making videos about my daily life living alone here in Japan. I realized it’s really hard living alone, especially in a foreign country. I hope you understand and enjoy my routine in Japan. I apologize for all the grammatical and spelling errors I've made as I can't double check it most of the time. Also, because English is my second language, I'm not very good at it. Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel if you enjoy my video. I upload videos on random schedule so please click the bell notification so that it will notify you once I upload new videos. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for dropping by. Have a nice day and God bless you all❤️❤️❤️
#asmr #dailylifelivingaloneinjapan #shrimpsrecipe #livingalone #livingalonediaries #lifeinjapan #ofwjapan #ofwlifestory #livingaloneinjapan #japanlife #filipinosinjapan #filipina #wontonsoup
* The Final Result of My Health Condition
* Cooking Shrimp and Wonton Egg Noodle Soup
* Disposing Item When Moving Out
* Japanese Way of Eating Noodles