Some prospectors find some very valuable rocks when they are out prospecting for gold. Some even seek out these valuable and special rocks as much as they seek gold. Other prospectors look at these rocks and think its just a hot rock and toss it on the ground. Want to gain the knowledge needed to recognize these valuable rocks? Well in this video we are going to talk about Meteorites and how to find them.By the time you have watched this video, you will know everything you need to know to recognize and know if you have stumbled onto a valuable meteorite.
This video is sponsored by High Plains Prospecting, a mail order prospecting supply shop that I am partnering with. See:
My discount code for you to get 5% off at High Plains Prospecting is CHRISRALPH
Space rocks are out there to find for those who know what to look for out in the field.
For those who want to learn more about Prospecting and finding gold check out my book, Fists full of Gold. It’s an encyclopedia of everything on the topic of prospecting. It’s available on from High Plains Prospectors. (Affiliate) You can find it at:
For even more information on prospecting, minerals, gems and other related information you can also check out my website at:
High Plains Prospectors – Prospecting Equipment and Supplies
Classic Simple Gold Pan
Portable Folding Aluminum Sluice Box
Minelab Gold Monster 1000
Minelab SDC 2300
Minelab GPZ 7000