If you want to find your unique style and find your style roots, this exercise will work even better than my style roots quiz. Finding a style you really love is such a challenge that we face. It can be so easy to be influenced by trends that you lose yourself when putting your outfits together and buying items of clothing. My Style Roots system has developed a lot, so I thought this exercise would help you find your unique style.
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👢MY CONSULTATIONS: https://bodyandstyle.com
🧺 STYLE TRANSFORMATION WORKBOOK: https://bodyandstyle.gumroad.com/l/8weekguide
👡INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/elliejeanroyden
👜 TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@bodyandstyle
0:00 why you are killing your style
0:33 my Style Roots system
1:44 AD - Zuvi Halo
3:54 the style streams exercise
8:07 style roots and their streams (watch the exercise first)
11:16 my style streams + roots
You can find my page @bodyandstyle over on TikTok where I have over 500'000 followers. Discovering the body types changed my life and that's why I want to share it with you all.
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