In this video the boys and I do some rockhounding for seam agates at a really cool location along the Bay of Fundy in Baxter's Harbour, Nova Scotia. It's a really beautiful place with cool basalt formations and interesting geology. Finding the seam agate source is always exciting and the boys and I had a blast. Come join us on this epic rockhounding adventure.
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* C H E C K O U T O U R O T H E R R O C K H O U N D I N G A N D L A P I D A R Y A D V E N T U R E S *
* F O L L O W U S O N I N S T A G R A M *
* F O L L O W U S O N F A C E B O O K *
* E M A I L *
[email protected]
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* A M A Z I N G R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y C H A N N E L S *
@Marlaina Atkins
@Montana Rock Mom
@Gravel Bar Hopper
@Michigan Rocks
@KatyDid ROCKS!
@Currently Rockhounding
@Theo Kellison
@Agate Angler
@Agate Dad
@Natural Stones
@World of Rock Hounds
@Elley Knows Rocks
* M U S I C A L C R E D I T S * (in order of appearance)
Song: Love Aside
Musician: Patrick Patrikos
Song: New Day
Musician: Patrick Patrikos
Song: Oh My
Musician: Patrick Patrikos
Song: Cielo
Musician: Huma-Huma
Song: Riding
Musician: Silent Partner
#TheFinders #LakeSuperiorAgates #Lapidary