Let's finish a sketchbook together! Hope you enjoy all the drawing and art making in this video - I had such a good time with this sketchbook. Can't wait to share the sketchbook tour with you all in a couple of weeks.
🌷Shop my Art + Stickers Here ➡️
🏵️ W A T C H N E X T 🏵️
The Full Tour of this Sketchbook - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT1azYbBhCc
Sketchbook Tour Pt. 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gi0ucOsen4&t=21s
Sketchbook Tour Pt. 2 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxMUqgBLB3Y&t=9s
🌼 L E T S C O N N E C T 🌼
instagram // www.instagram.com/brushandbird/
Youtube // @brushandbird
COMMENT down below if you have any questions or want me to talk about something specific related to art and running an art business in my upcoming videos!
15% OFF your own stickers printed here from Sira Print: https://tinyurl.com/244nu93h
Music thanks to Epidemic Sound - Give it a try here: https://share.epidemicsound.com/ele9xm
This video is NOT sponsored. The links and referrals in the description may give me a small commission off any purchases you make at no extra cost to you. Just helps support me and the making of these videos (: