Hello everyone friends! In this video I will finish a fence made of aerated concrete with AMK decorative coating, enjoy watching!
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✍️Telegram - https://t.me/semonbuilds
✍️Zen - https://dzen.ru/semyonbuilds
📣Foundation tape 34 meters long - https://youtu.be/Moo7ul4oDUs
Watch all the episodes of the construction of a GUEST HOUSE for two studios according to the ODNOSKAT-55 project - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOFf3m5YrXI&list=PLfoFvG4Jmi8uci60LK9nPgvrJTEqDeqAT
Support for the ODNOSKAT 55 project: Sberbank card - 2202 2062 2387 9649
Just recently I finished building a small permanent house with a summer terrace; on the channel you can see more than 190 episodes about the construction of this house!
Now I am implementing my own project Odnoskat-55.
If you are planning to build your own house or are interested in this topic, this channel will be useful for you to always be aware of the implementation of different construction ideas, do not forget to subscribe!
Welcome to the useful author's construction channel "Semyon Kuznetsov"
All the step-by-step construction of a small permanent house with a summer terrace is here:
Thank you everyone for watching, subscribing, leaving comments and reposting this video! Good luck and all the best to everyone!