Discord for FB RL coaching lessons: @igor_coaching23
Channel Memberships with my Daily Legend Bases:
My clan’s discord server: https://discord.gg/hightimescoc
Army Link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=CopyArmy&army=u4x1-3x2-5x7-11x10-1x12-2x23-3x28-17x57-1x58-3x82-1x87s2x2-2x5-2x10-3x35
CC: 4 super minions, 1 loon, 1 minion, rage, poison
#clashofclans #coc #legendleagueattack #rocketballoon
0:00 Intro
1:15 Common 2x Poison
3:53 Flinger Vs AQ
6:52 Champs 1 CWL
9:33 OP Flinger
12:39 Common 2x Poison
15:26 OP Flinger 2
18:28 Textbook FB RL
21:31 FB to the Core
Song: Crying Over You
Composer: Chris Morrow 4
Website: https://soundcloud.com/chris-morrow-3
License: Free To Use YouTube license youtube-free
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.comp
Song: Two Places
Composer: A Himitsu
Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgFwu-j5-xNJml2FtTrrB3A
License: Free To Use YouTube license youtube-free
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.com