#First_Rosa_Of_Rich_And_Poor_Daughter -In -Law
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Qazi ....Mohatrama Mirb Sheikh Do you have Nikah Kubool with Valad Ahsan Wasim Abdula
NARR ..... On asking Qazi Saheb, poor Mirb sees in the eyes of Ahsan with dubbai eyes and both say together
Together .. yes we have a nikah confusion
Qazi ... happy) from today both of you have become Shauhar Begum
Narr. Ahsan brings him to the mosque with Mirb and brings him to his elder house.
Ahsan ... Mirab is all well, are you not happy with our marriage
Mirb ...Fear) I am very happy in favor, I am very happy with me, I am complete as a husband, but I am afraid, your mother's life did not accept me the poor, then I will break down and shatter
Ahsan .. Mirb if Ammi wants a son, then you have to accept them
Narr ..As soon as Ahsan plays the door, the door of that big house opens the door, which considers the poor as a shoe of his feet, Mirb salutes fearfully.
Mirab ... fear), Aslam Walekum Ammi Jaan
Rukaiya ... with anger) Hey oh girl, it is disgraceful to whom you called me Ammi, who is this
Ahsan ....Mother, this is Mirb, I married it, this is your daughter -in -law
Narr. Hearing this, the mercury of the arrogant Rukaiya climbs
Rukaiya .. from Gusse) or Allah Ehsan, you have married, but I will not confess this girl as my daughter -in -law Begum, either it will go from my house or my Janaja will come out
Meerab weeping,) Ammijan should not talk about this so much for Allah… His last wish is also asked from the hanging person, you see us by giving us a chance
Wasim ..., Rukaiya Begum, now even this marriage can be denied, take anger, take it to the room
Ahsan..G Abu
Narr ..Rukaiya gets a big shock due to the marriage of his elder son, he starts worrying about his younger son.
Rukaiya in the mind) or Allah Kahi Shahzad also follow the footsteps of his elder brother and do not marry himself, then all my wishes will be re -watered, I will get her married in a high family.
Narr. After a few days Rukaiya chooses hala from the rich family and makes it very much.
Mother -in -law ... Allah Kasam Hala Bahu is how much noor is, Allah Mian has given time to my daughter -in -law
Although) Thank you Ammi Jaan .. (Ubasi) Ammi ji, I am tired.
Mother in law..Yes, you go, take a little rest
Narr ,. Hala goes staring at Mirb with arrogance, next morning
Mother -in -law ... new bride you are cooking in the first party
Hala spoke) At the moment I did not think Ammi Jaan (mind) Hey, why should I make the feast, why did I come for so much dowry
Mother in law..Multily do you mutton korma biryani
Make Tandoori Chicken Lachha Paratha
Hala..Gusse,) but how will I make so much of Ammi Jaan alone
Mirb .. I will not help you
Mother -in -law is angry) Beware, my poor Jadi Bahu If you put a hand to any food, I will not swear by Allah
Nar .. Seeing the hatred between the two mother -in -law, Hala starts cooking the casserole to increase it.
Hala..Man) Wow Allah Mian I did not know that this poor daughter -in -law knocks in mother's eyes, now I will take it out easily from home, and then I will rule it
Narr ..Hala calls Mirb in a gesture and shows the tears of crocodiles
Hala weeping)
Mirb..hala cry i will not make food
Taking you to serve
Hala..nutanki) Thank you, my soil would have become mountain
Nar ..Mirb makes all the feast in a while, then the rich Jadi Bahu says the fragrance.
Hala..ah Aapa is very delicious food makes big chests, even if you fail
Mirb, ..Just Allah's mercy, I was very young when Ammi was waiting and used to cook and fed Abu and especially in Ramjan's roses, a big taste used to come down, it is ready to eat food and taste it
Chila ... E -chili is less, increase a little more chili
Narr ..Hala the next moment brings Rukaiya to the kitchen and offers a different story