If you would like your very own VEVOR Mini Lathe, Check out the links below and help support me in the process. Use code VVSALE5 for 5% off. Thank you !
Canada - https://s.vevor.com/bfQKjT
USA - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLYa
EU - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLYV
UK - Not Available - But some tooling available.
AU - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLZa
MX - Not Available
DE - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLYg
FR - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLYw
IT - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLYD (similar but not the same / better)
ES - Not Available
PL - Not Available
NL - https://s.vevor.com/bfQLYO ( similar but not the same / better)
If you would like to support me and my projects, I have created a Patreon account. Regardless of the amount, every bit helps, will be put to use and is awesome motivation. Thank you so much !!
My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Joel_A
The Joel Arseneault YouTube channel where I do mostly jetski stuff that is much more edited. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSe-AVEea-Xtc2D8yfS4kdQ
My Teespring - https://spark-bolt-city.creator-spring.com/
Actual description: In this video I asked Vevor to send me one of their Mini Lathes (7x14") so I could test it and demonstrated it to you all. I got my first lathe several years ago and although I don't use it every day, I use it several times a year, and is an extremely handy tool to have around the shop.
The plan is to make 3 videos. This one, of the unboxing, general overview and first chips, a second video with a few upgrades, and a third video where I show my friend, Dustin, how to use it before he takes it home.