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First Time Buying A House: Is It TOO Expensive For Young Singaporeans?! | Kaki Stories EP9

HeyKaki 嘿卡奇 8,285 4 days ago
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What factors do you look out for when buying your first house? How much does it cost to buy a house in SG? Should you go for a central location, or stay near your parents? In this episode of Kaki Stories, join Shawn Thia, Jun Long, and Wen Fang as they share their personal experiences in house-hunting and the preparations they’ve made for it! Hear Shawn discuss how he chose his resale flat with his wife Xenia, and why you shouldn’t juggle wedding planning and renovation at the same time! Catch Wen Fang as she talks about securing a BTO on her first try and how much effort her partner put in to convince her to go for a 4-room flat. Listen to Jun Long share about his journey of applying for BTO 10 times and why he didn’t give up applying. Head on down to the Together, For Better roadshows from now till June, and learn more about home ownership support: This video is brought to you in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Development and Information (MDDI). 第一次买房需要注意什么?在新加坡买组屋需要花多少钱?住靠近市区,还是住靠近父母,哪个比较重要?在这一集的《卡奇故事》中,和家颉、俊隆以及文芳一起聊聊他们的购房经历,以及他们为此做出的各种规划! 听家颉解释为什么拥有自己的房子对他如此重要,以及为什么你不应该同时筹备婚礼和装修房子事宜!听听文芳分享她如何在第一次就成功申请BTO的故事,以及她伴侣为了说服她选择四房单位而花的心思。听俊隆讲述他申请10次BTO的经历,以及他为何没放弃。 从现在到六月,你可到 “Together, For Better” 路演, 了解更多关于购房政策的详情: 本期内容由数码发展及新闻部 (MDDI) 赞助 Chapters: 0:29 Where did they stay before buying their house? 1:35 When did they know they were ready to start looking at buying a house? 4:17 Top factor when deciding on their home? 5:30 Were there arguments during the home-buying process? 6:48 First reaction when they found out they got a house 7:25 Is it too expensive to buy a house in Singapore? 8:21 What are they most looking forward to doing in their new home? 9:02 Advice for couples looking to get their first home Credits: Featuring 嘉宾: 程家颉 卓文芳 王俊隆 Producers 编导: 李嘉杰 Film Crew: Studio+65 Graphics 美术:卓佳仪 Video Editor: 王靖婕 Subtitles: 林青羽 如果你喜欢我们的视频,欢迎订阅,点赞和分享: 👉 欢迎追踪我们的其他社交平台: Instagram: 👉 TikTok: 👉 如果你要联系我们: 👉 [email protected] #singapore #storytime #money #home #firsttimehomebuyer
