Get ready for a fun-filled learning adventure as your little one takes their first steps learning to communicate with help from Ms. Apple!
In this video, your baby will learn key first words, along with simple signs and gestures to help them communicate.
Ms. Apple introduces each word and action with fun and engaging British Sign Language (BSL) signs using SSE and encourages gestures that support early speech development.
We’ll also sing along to some of your child’s favourite nursery rhymes including Wind the Bobbin Up, Hop Little Bunnies, Open Shut Them, Rain Rain Go Away and many more.
0:00 - Hello Waving
1:42 - Nodding
2:50 - Bubbles
3:36 - Bubble Bubble Pop!
5:42 - Shaking Head
7:15 - This Is The Way We...
8:48 - Family Love
10:31 - The More We Get Together
12:09 - Opposites
14:09 - Diplodocus
17:04 - Arms Up!
17:46 - A Little Seed
19:45 - More First Words
20:49 - Apples & Bananas
23:12 - Clap Your Hands
24:24 - Open Shut Them
26:06 - Introductions
27:55 - If Your'e Happy Colours
29:30 - Rainbow Jam
31:06 - What's That Sound?
33:15 - Five Little Monkeys
35:31 - More First Words
36:56 - The Farmer In His Den
38:47 - Pointing
41:14 - Hop Little Bunnies
43:00 - Tea Party
51:04 - Zoom Zoom Zoom!
55:16 - More Opposites
56:24 - Butterfly Song
57:50 - Where Is? (Family)
1:00:06 - Goodbye!
#BabyLearning #NurseryRhymes #MsApple #FirstWords