Hello Everyone,
Looking for what fish you can keep together in a 20 gallon fish tank? In this video we give you some options. You can pick one clean-up type option, a schooling option, a centerpiece fish, and a filler fish. If you want to learn more about some of the fish featured in this video check out these species profiles:
Multi Shell Dweller: https://youtu.be/LymOSgIcDss
Neolamprologus similis Shell Dweller: https://youtu.be/ZjkZkyh12cI
Von Rio Tetra: https://youtu.be/vKFZAkA4J20
Bristlenose Pleco: https://youtu.be/RRt_tjOKY84
Java Rice Fish: https://youtu.be/XQVSiK-O8vU
Peacock Gudgeon: https://youtu.be/0x9n-3HkgDU
Gourami: https://youtu.be/4Efyiwo-lc4
Guppies: https://youtu.be/czrypwjZrQE
Bolivian Rams: https://youtu.be/yh66CXYsEH0
Apistogramma mendezi: https://youtu.be/-nsOwfveCQ0
Want more 20 gallon stocking options? Check this out: https://youtu.be/H6jbUbwTUHc
Here's the 10 gallon community stocking options video we did: https://youtu.be/RfLF1HEyHy4
Also, our new shirts can be found at: https://www.primetimeaquatics.com/merch
For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics
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If you want to see all the cool stuff Joanna does with other types of scapes check out her channel!
We would like to thank our channel sponsors for 2021: Flip Aquatics and Fritz Aquatics. For 2021 our fish are being fed Northfin Foods from flipaquatics.com! They help make what we do here possible and are worth checking out!
Thank you so much for watching!
#aquariums #aquariumfish #fishtank