A cooler than normal early-summer period can have muskie anglers scratching their heads and searching in all directions for hot bite but the answer to finding a "tight line" might surprise you! When water temperatures are cold for muskies (60's) I have found that a larger percentage of adult muskies take up residence in thick, slop, weed cover. So now we have the location figured out but.....what lure to throw in these snag-ridden places? A great lure to begin traversing slop cover would be a safety pin spinnerbait like JBO's Slopmaster.
I lean heavily on these lures as a tool to get into super-thick cover and present a lure to a hungry musky that otherwise will not get casted at. There are of course some tricks to correctly fishing spinnerbaits in thick slop weed cover - and that is precisely what this quick tips video is all about. I hope you learn something here and that you enjoy this video. Thank you for watching!
Thank you to my sponsors for making incredible products and helping us achieve success in one of the hardest sports known to mankind:
Recon Boats:
For more information about the Recon Boats 895T please visit:
Joe Bucher Outdoors:
Great Lakes Potato Chips:
St. Croix Rods:
For more information about Chas Martin’s musky guide services please visit: