My ebook and training program:
n this video, I break down what I consider to be the essentials of fitness. These are the things we must train if we want to call ourselves “fit.” Even mores if we want to maximise our performance.
To me, this is one of the big misconceptions surrounding fitness: that you can simply start a strength training program and that will take care of your health or make you a formidable athlete. Others might take up running, or a class like yoga.
All these things are great! But the body is capable of so many things and has so many functions. We need to nourish it in multiple ways to perform our best - we need to focus on mobility, strength, AND endurance.
But it also goes much deeper than that. From there, we ask “what kind of endurance?” Or “strength where?” And what about health or cognitive performance? What about tendons and bones?
Again, we need to take care of all these things. Not only because a glaring deficit in any area will leave you prone to injury… not only because it will be a big gap in your performance… but also because each of these traits builds upon the others.
As I’ve explored recently: there is no such thing as strength without mobility. There is no such thing as strength without endurance. All strength requires a little endurance and all endurance requires a little strength. They are not separate things: they are different points on a spectrum.
This is all getting a bit abstract, which is why this video exists to outline the things that you MUST train to get a complete and well rounded performance.
My conclusions? It’s… a lot. Nigh impossible, in fact.
But there ARE ways. The key is to stop worrying so much about being the very best in any one area. To stop worrying about “optimising.” Instead, we simply aim to provide the body with as much varied stimulus as possible, as regularly as possible.
This video serves as a bit of a summary of my ideas and my training to this point. As such, I thought it would be fun to include highlights from the last year. It’s been an awesome one and I have even more cool stuff coming in 2025!
Thank you SO much to all of you for your support and I’ll see you next year. Have a great New Year!