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Are your factory injectors too small? Installed bigger ones but not sure how to retune your vehicle to match? This lesson is for you mate 😎
Pulling out stock injectors (in our case 550cc injectors) and replacing them with Injector Dynamics ID1000's or similar is a common upgrade when modifying a car, however, scaling these new injectors correctly inside a factory ECU is a key step to getting your tune dialled in.
Injector scaling is something we're going to be doing a lot of when we're tuning any engine factory engine management system where we have upgraded the injectors. Essentially this is information that allows the ECU to understand the relationship between the pulse width that it delivers to the fuel injector and the volume of fuel that is delivered.
Essentially what the ECU has is an input in the way of, most likely a mass airflow sensor if it's a factory engine management system, that's telling the ECU what mass of air is going into the engine and we're also telling it what air/fuel ratio to target and in order to achieve that air/fuel ratio it needs to know what mass of fuel to deliver, there's a relationship there between the fuel mass and the fuel volume but essentially this comes back to what pulse width do we need to deliver to the injector in order to achieve the correct delivered mass of fuel? So of course if we're dealing with a factory engine management system and everything's stock, all of that data for the factory injectors is going to understandably be correct.
But when we start running out of fuel system head room when we're modifying our engines, we're going to quickly find that we need to upgrade our injectors and this is where it comes to providing that correct information back to the ECU in order to get everything working again.
In this #freelesson we’ll look at how this can be done on the Subaru platform using Ecuflash for tuning and RomRaider for data logging on our Mainline Dyno, however, you can do this via road/track tuning as well.
Also note, what we'll look at here is also broadly applicable to the Mitsubishi range of Evolution vehicles because they work in a very similar way when it comes to injector scaling and even though the ID1000's came with supplied flow data which is tempting just to pop into your tuning software, that isn't always the right thing to do as Andre explains from around the 20 minute mark.
0:00 - What Is Injector Rescaling?
1:36 - Some Basic Traps To Avoid
3:02 - You Cannot Rescale MAF and Injectors At The SAME Time
4:00 - What We're Looking For In Our Trims
4:36 - Mk1 Eyeball Check
4:55 - EcuFlash Software
6:44 - MAF Scaling Tip
7:26 - Stock Calibration Trims & Latency
11:11 - RomRaider Logging
14:38 - Avoiding Subaru 2800-3000 RPM Fuel Oscillation
15:10 - Checking Fuel Trims
16:12 - Other Data To Log
17:28 - Trims At Idle
17:56 - We're Happy With Stock Trims, Let's Progress
18:34 - Take Care Fitting Your Injectors, Check For Leaks
20:00 - Pre-Start Calibration
22:03 - Entering Scaling Data
22:40 - Injector Pulse Width
24:15 - Cranking Fuel Tables
25:52 - Tip In Enrichment/Transient Throttle
26:45 - Saving File & Flashing To ECU
27:13 - First Start, Stabilising Temperature and Trims
28:00 - New Idle Trim Data
28:40 - New 3200rpm Data
29:30 - What These Numbers Mean
31:10 - Some Finer Setup Tuning
33:20 - Reflash And Data Logging Idle Again
34:49 - 3200rpm Data Again
35:25 - What We Have Done And Why
37:35 - Scaling OR Latency Adjustment Decision Making
38:00 - Don't Just Copy Our Changes
38:15 - MAF Calibrations Can Be Different
38:48 - Fuel Pressures Can Be Different
39:23 - Your Ethanol Content Needs To Be Considered
40:10 - Not Always This Easy
40:55 - This Isn't The Whole Tune!
41:10 - More Free Content Below
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