Is there a better way to purl? Knitters tell me that working the purl stitch is often slower and more cumbersome than working the knit stitch. Let's look at five different ways we can purl and how they compare.
00:00 Intro
01:56 Purling English Style
02:57 Purling Continental Style
05:23 Purling Lever Style
07:51 Portuguese Knitting
10:41 Purling Portuguese Style
12:07 Knitting Portuguese Style
16:04 Norwegian Knitting
17:16 Knitting Norwegian Style
19:18 Purling Norwegian Style
21:00 Knitting 2x2 Ribbing five ways
JOIN OUR SCHOOL OF SWEETGEORGIA /// #schoolofsweetgeorgia
The School of SweetGeorgia (SOS) is our online membership-based fibre arts school and community where we aim to create a space where "multicraftual makers" including weavers, spinners, knitters, crocheters, dyers, and creatives feel like they belong and where they can learn the entire spectrum of the fibre arts, from fibre to yarn to fabric. The SOS is a place that recognizes the unique challenges and joys that come from working with more than one craft and a place that supports the individual growth of new and emerging textile artists and makers.
ABOUT SWEETGEORGIA /// #sweetgeorgiayarns
SweetGeorgia is a maker and media company that is designing and supplying accessible luxury handmade yarns and goods for the craft community and building a fibre arts school and studio that educates, inspires, and empowers makers to live a fulfilled, creative life.