Did you know that there are 10 gym exercises that you might be doing wrong? In this video, I am going to show you 10 exercises, the common mistakes that are made, and how to avoid them so that you never do these 10 gym exercises wrong again or make any other exercise mistakes when trying to build muscle.
It’s important to note why these mistakes need to be fixed; some of them have to do with safety and making sure you don’t get injured when performing them, while other fixes are just to make sure the exercises are as effective as possible when you want to build muscle.
The first gym exercise you’re getting wrong is the preacher curl. The mistake that I see being made most often is the angle at which people allow their arms to rest on the preacher pad. When you sit all the way down in the seat, your arms are stretched out in front of you at an angle that places a lot of unnecessary stress on the biceps tendon. This can lead to a tear if you’re not careful. The best way to fix this is to simple sit up and drive your elbows into the pad, activating your lats and giving yourself better leverage that will still allow the biceps to do the work they need, while keeping them safe in the process.
Next up is the lat pulldown. While there is nothing wrong with using the standard bar, I think you can make the exercise more effective by using a narrower grip. If you don’t know exactly how narrow your grip should be, I implore that you use a triceps pushdown bar instead. This will force a narrower grip which will allow for more stretch on the lats at the top of the exercise as your elbows are in front of your body and will keep the elbows tight to your sides, activating the lats more.
The next gym mistake you are probably making has to do with lunges. As I covered in my recent review of The Rock’s leg workout, to keep more stability on the exercise, I want you to step your foot out at a wider angle. Whether you are lunging forward or backwards, this wider angle will allow for a greater base of support and prevent you from losing your balance. To further create stability and balance, turn your torso ever so slightly in order to be squared up with your front leg, the one that is doing the work.
One of the most common exercise mistakes I see, not just in the gym but when people train at home as well, has to do with the pushup. The first mistake I notice is the angle of the arms. If you are trying to do a standard pushup, the best way to find the perfect arm angle that stacks the elbows above the wrists and doesn’t force your elbows to flare out is the quick sequence I show in the video. The other mistake is that people often press straight up and down, instead of at an arc like they would with a bench press. This pressing angle can be achieved by rocking back on your toes as you press up and rocking forward as you go down. These fixes will ensure safety and stability through your wrists, elbows, and shoulders, while also making the exercise more effective at building muscle.
The lying triceps extension, one of my favorite triceps exercises, is one that has a bit of sneaky mistake, as it’s sometimes hard to notice. However, it’s a big one. If you allow your arms to fully extend over your chest, directly in line with gravity, then you will be taking a large chunk of tension off the triceps. When you want build big triceps, you need to keep the arms at a slight angle backwards at the top of the exercise. This make the triceps align more perpendicularly to gravity, which increases tension and the potential to build muscle.
When it comes to the Bulgarian split squat, this exercise mistake I see made all the time is finding the proper setup. To make the exercise most effective and stable, you will want to follow exactly how far out to put your lead foot and how to make your back foot stable on the bench. Fixing this exercise mistake will ensure that you are getting the setup right every time without fail.
When it comes to building muscle and staying injury free, being sure that you are doing your gym exercises correctly is important. Remember, it's not just what exercises you do, but how you do them that matters the most.
For the rest of the 10 gym exercise you're doing wrong, be sure to watch to the end of the video to see what they are and how you can fix them so you never get them wrong again.
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