❤️ Begin your flamenco journey with this FREE Beginner’s Guide to Flamenco https://bit.ly/flamencobeginner
Learn three fundamental flamenco marking steps (marcaje). These can be used in all 12 count rhythms (palos) such as Alegrías, Solea por Bulerías, Guajiras, etc. Once you learn these, try following along with me here:
ALEGRIAS: https://youtu.be/kse5hD3X8rg
BULERIAS POR SOLEA: https://youtu.be/LhHVV18gJJQ
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✧ Beginner’s Guide to Flamenco https://bit.ly/flamencobeginner
✧ Flamenco Dancer’s Cheat Sheet https://bit.ly/flamencocheatsheet
✧ Flamenco Dance For Beginners https://bit.ly/flamencobeginnerplaylist
✧ Flamenco Footwork Drills https://bit.ly/flamencofootworkplaylist
✧ Flamenco Overall Dance Technique https://bit.ly/flamencotechniqueplaylist
✧ Rina Orellana Performances https://bit.ly/rinaflamencoshows
✧ Courses From Online Flamenco Studio https://bit.ly/flamencocoursesplaylist
✧ New Beginners 1- Intro to Flamenco (Tangos) https://bit.ly/flamencobeginnercourse1
✧ New Beginners 2- Intro to 12 Count (Solea por Bulerías) https://bit.ly/flamencobeginnercourse2
✧ Traditional Sevillanas Choreography https://bit.ly/rinasevillanas
✧ Flamenco Theory 101 https://bit.ly/flamencotheory101
✧ Flamenco Footwork Drills https://bit.ly/flamencofootwork
Hands down this is the BEST online flamenco dance education out there- a true "University of Flamenco!" You will SPEAK, FEEL & DANCE FLAMENCO with 60+ video courses for new beginners through advanced levels in technique, choreography & flamenco theory, plus a thriving community and guidance from Rina.
🔥 Request your invite for a FREE 10 DAY TRIAL. https://bit.ly/OFS10daytrial
✧ Web https://www.rinaorellanaflamenco.com
✧ Web https://www.onlineflamencostudio.com
✧ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/flamencorinaorellana/
✧ Online Flamenco Studio FREE Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/freeonlineflamencostudio
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