On a bitterly cold day where the temperature remained between -7 and -10 throughout, class 50 diesel 50033 'GLORIOUS' starts up with loads of clag and even flames at Kidderminster on the Severn Valley Railway. It is then seen making several passes under the footbridge at Kidderminster with thrash and more clag.
V I D E O S T O W A T C H N E X T :
‘Class 37’ START UP! - https://youtu.be/HgG0qxltr3o - 1k Subs & 4k Watch Hours
STEAM TRAINS IN THE SNOW - https://youtu.be/kfrWHs5iG5s - 26k views
AWESOME!! Class 52 START UP - D1010 'WESTERN CAMPAIGNER' - https://youtu.be/CA9kwokPzLY - 99% likes
➡️ Want to see something you can't see anywhere else? If yes, click here: https://youtu.be/QQvzAuqOBcI - TRAIN HITS GoPro camera!!!!
"If you can dream it, you can do it" - Enzo Ferrari
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