Hey fam welcome back
Today we are learning how to make a flaxseed gel mask for your skin and hair.
The recipe✨ :( you can measure however)
1/2 a cup of flaxseed
2 cups of boiling water
In your jar put the contents in and stir well leave it out to cool then place into the fridge overnight.
Strain the next day using a cheese cloth, sift or stocking.
You can place the leftovers in ice cubes to preserve and reuse on my face.
You can use twice or thrice in the week
Benefits✨ :
Omega 3s
Helps with reducing irritation
Improve appearance of acne
Increases hydration
Adds shine to hair
Promotes hair growth
Prevents split ends
And much more
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#flaxseed #diy #howto #relatable #botox #repairhair