Flea Bottom is the poorest slum in King's Landing in the shadow of then might of the like of the Dragonpit and Red Keep. Where law and order is an idea, and where the lowest souls of society live a hand to mouth existence. Flea Bottom Plays a huge role in the history of King's Landing from the like of the Dance Of The Dragons to the events of the main books.
Flea Bottom | King's Landing History & Lore | House Of The Dragon History, Lore & Analysis
00:00:00 Why slums exist
00:01:25 What is Flea Bottom Like?
00:03:06 Winesinks
00:04:00 Pleasure Gardens
00:04:17 Rat Pits
00:04:48 Bowl Of Brown
00:06:43 Key Events Of Flea Bottom
The Script Of This Video uses information from The World Of Ice & Fire (2014), Fire & Blood (2018) and The A Song Of Ice And Fire Main Series. The ASOIAF Wiki has been used to confirm order of events and clarify discrepancies between sources. George R.R. Martin's blog posts have also been used as a source and like the wiki i to do consider this information canon. Any similarity of this video to the structure of these sources is a consequence of the subject matter of the video and limited sources dictating the way in which events played out with no room for interpretation. In some areas it can be very difficult to make the script 100% different as stated in the sources without just making it up which isn't the point of these videos. There are places it's more similar to the sources than i like but with no way to really spin it a different way, given in many case, it's physically the only way to approach the subject. Information strictly from the TV show has not been used in these video unless stated otherwise.
The Dance Of The Dragons will be the focus of the plot of the new HBO spin-off House Of The Dragon coming in 2022. So if you want to learn the story before we see HBO's take on it then this will be a very long-running series. Game Of Thrones / House of the dragon are HBO shows based on George R R Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire series. The information in this video comes from the books a world of ice and fire as well as fire and blood.
The following link is for all the art that I use, if you see an image in this video a link to the source of it will be there, and the name of the artist if it's possible to find. If you see art in any video that has been attributed incorrectly please send me a email so i can fix it, i feel it is vitally important to credit artists, especially with the rise of Ai Art. Unfortunately mistakes do happen as work gets reposted without credit all the time making narrowing down the original source a challenge.
#gameofthrones #asoiaf #houseofthedragon #hbogameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #got #fireandblood #danceofdragons #windsofwinter