Have you been wanting to learn about how to sell at a flea market? UPDATE: We've added a simple "Flea Market Set Up Check List" to our website - download it for free here: https://buyingandsellingtomakemoney.com/flea-market-selling-tips/Join us on our 3-day Flea Market experience! As you watch us unload a bunch of our excess yard sale finds, you'll pick up some solid flea market selling tips, you'll also learn from a few things we could have done better.
We learned quite a bit about signage and also traffic flow. As you'll see on Day 2, not having the best signage or location definitely hurt our ability to get potential customers to see what we had to offer.
We forgot to mention in the video itself whether or not changing the signs from white to "yard sale pink" helped. It did. We had fewer "How much is this?" questions.
Is selling at a flea market profitable? Depending on what you are looking to sell, we think so - at least it is in our experience!
We invite you to subscribe to our channel where you can see the types of things we find at yard sales, garage sales, estate sales and thrift stores with the intent to resell on eBay and, of course, the occasional flea market!
If you find our information to be helpful, please give us a thumbs up and a comment - that helps us a lot! And also, if you have a question for me, feel free to ask in the comments below.
Please feel free to share this video: https://youtu.be/F_StvyFl0Mc
#fleamarketsellingtips #yardsalefinds #ebayreseller