Напольная ваза своими руками из картона и шпаклевки
Floor vase with their hands out cardboard is a very nice hack. Vase with their hands perfectly decorate your home. This decorative vase is perfect not only for artificial flowers or flower arrangements and live flowers if you use cardboard tubes instead of plastic.
For the manufacture of floor vases you will need:
•Corrugated cardboard;
•A cardboard or plastic tube;
•PVA glue;
•Hot glue;
•Papier-mâché (see here: https://youtu.be/tMOrCu32m3I)
•Construction plaster finish;
•Cold porcelain (see here: https://youtu.be/DjQDUkh5aow )
•Pape-art flagella (see here: https://youtu.be/Iuq8gH5wl_k)
•Paint-spray in spray.
Watch the video to learn how to make a vase.
Let's see what vases we made:
Vases with their hands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKYYIYLZnFw&list=PLkbhzUR2TI94Tapng5b9g7-rT0skYqKFw