Instagram @thenightlystitcher
Alphabet Blocks by Carriage House Samplings
called for DMC white, 223, 300,301,310,327,355,402,415,420,433,435,503, 523, 543, 612,645, 646,648,676,677,729,832,902, 924, 926, 927, 935, 938 3021, 3046,3051, 3053, 3328, 3362, 3721, 3722, 3750, 3774, 3781, 3802, 3808, 3828, 3854, 3856,
border is stitched in 935, 355, 729
elephant is stitched in 645,648 using 1 strand each.
Zebu I added straight stitches on the hay wagon
A-3854, B-3364, C-926, D-301, E-503, F-3854, G-355, H-503, I-523, J-355,K-926, L-3854, M-729, N-926, O-301,P-523,Q-503, R-355, S-3364, T-729, U-729, V-3364, W-301, X-926, Y-355, Z-523
NOTE: W calls for 5053 on pattern but should be 3053