Flosstubers Even Though My Audio Corrupted During This Segment:
@boogiestitcher @Ailarra918 @kaylitentstitch6614 @stitchinbigthingswithhalli1357 @StitchManDarcy @nerdynordicstitches @coveredinfloss @lickingfloss @verasstitchingcorner @jamesthephstitcher @jennthecaffeinatedcrafter5679 @FrizzyLizzieStitches @thevioletstitcher1985 @therockingstitcher @msufly @stitchingmoon @stitchmesane @blitstitch @NeedleberryStitcher @StitchesOfSass
The Reindeer - A Year In The Woods #12 - Cottage Garden Samplings - https://tinyurl.com/2wurdf4f
Woodland Enchantress - Dimensions - https://tinyurl.com/yrzpprdz
Treasure Hunt Bookshelf - HAED - https://tinyurl.com/r5heue6h
The Sorceress - Dimensions - Retired
The Summer Garden - The Drawn Thread - https://tinyurl.com/ypecdrr9
Sabrina - Mirabilia - https://tinyurl.com/4szn9bh6
Queen of The Night - HAED - https://tinyurl.com/yw9u7at7
Frodo and Galadriel - HAED - https://tinyurl.com/3b7frdk8
Phoenix - Oraloa - https://tinyurl.com/25h34wfm
Social Media:
Email - [email protected]
IG - @thebrowneyedstitcher
Discord - https://discord.gg/Z6ubCVF4
Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/thebrowneyedstitcher