Welcome to the 351st episode of JustKeepStitchin’ on FlossTube! We’ve got all sorts of stitchy goodness to share this week! We’re glad you’re here! Here’s the info/links we mentioned!
Follow Us on Instagram!
Pam: pgsoap
Steph: scschaffner
Unicorn Account: justkeepstitchinunicorns
Destash Account: justkeepstitchindestash
If you’re looking for a unique way to give us a little bit of extra support, feel free to “buy us a framing donation” via Buy Me a Coffee or Ko-Fi. There’s absolutely no obligation to donate, but the links are below if you’re interested! Thank you!
Pam's Email: pgsoap@gmail.com
Pam’s Pinned Comment: Kathy - @funkarella5
Your comment has been pinned to the top of all the comments on last week’s video!
Silver & Gold FlossTuber Shout-Outs!
Silver FlossTuber of the Week: Mary Lou & Aimee - @2CrossedStitchers-ph1gn
Gold FlossTuber of the Week: Neil & Alex - @stitchershollow
SewMuch2Luv Project Bag of the Month Club 2024!
Keep an eye on the SewMuch2Luv Etsy shop for extra July bags for sale! Thanks, Karen!
TWIN PEAK PRIMITIVES – We’ve partnered with Twin Peak Primitives to bring you featured charts this week from their shop! The 2024 Patterns of the Week are 20% off to our viewers! Click either of the links below to go to their website or Etsy shop, purchase any of the charts, & download the PDFs…it’s that simple! If you’d rather have a hard copy of the chart, you can get it from TPP Limited Editions Etsy shop, also linked below.
July 28th Pattern of the Week: Halloween Garden
- TPP Website PDF: https://www.twinpeakprimitives.com/product-page/halloween-garden
- TPP on Etsy PDF: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1755214378/halloween-garden?click_key=db7ee49584741e401397d08c889f8556c31a635e%3A1755214378&click_sum=e4a25368&ref=shop_home_active_1
- TPP Limited Editions on Etsy Hard Copy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1769564237/pattern-of-the-week-halloween-garden?click_key=2e9174e29ad4a390e2aab030c36507f53e5e6674%3A1769564237&click_sum=907cb804&ref=shop_home_active_1&pro=1&sts=1
TPP Weekly Promo Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2269103683102245/
TPP Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/twinpeakprims/?ref=br_rs
TPP Instagram: twin_peak_primitives
1. TheNaptimeStitcher on Etsy – Stitch the Summer Olympics
2. WillowHillSamplings on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WillowHillSamplings
3. Building Blocks SAL – hosted by @TheCarolinaStitchers & @twoneedlespullingthread2605
Use hashtag #BuildingBlocksSAL
4. The Witchy Stitcher: https://www.thewitchystitcher.com/
5. Under the Sea Fabrics: https://www.undertheseafabrics.com/
6. Sunday Stocking SAL – organized by @highwaystitchercoletteking5633 & @Amylovestoads
Use hashtag #sundaystockingSAL
7. Pine Mountain Designs: https://www.pinemtndesigns.com/
8. TheMemorableImage on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheMemorableImage
9. StoneHouseStitching on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/StonehouseStitching
10. QuiltingandBeyond on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/QuiltingandBeyond
11. PigeonCoopDesigns on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PigeonCoopDesigns?ref=ss_profile
Cross Stitch in the Forest Book: https://a.co/d/2XNRyxy
12. The Silver Needle – LNS in Tulsa, OK
Website: https://www.silversitessecure.com/
Phone: (918) 493-1136
13. Emma Congdon's Cross Stitch for the Heart book: https://a.co/d/9e1r22S
14. Como Stitches on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ComoStitches
FlossTube Mentions:
1. @JessieMarieDoesStuff - inventor of WIPGO
2. Athena - @stitchinggoddessdesigns5884
Stitching Goddess Designs: https://stitchinggoddessdesigns.com/
3. Stephanie - @lindystitches
Website: https://www.lindystitches.com/
Thank you all so much for watching, liking, & subscribing to our channel! We hope you had as much fun watching this video as we did making it! Remember, we'll be back in TWO WEEKS, as Steph is heading to Dallas next weekend to see the Red Sox take on the Rangers! Thank you all for your continued love & support for our channel! Remember to take care of yourself & take care of each other.
Love, Pam & Steph