Welcome back my friends!
February stitching wound up being more productive than I imagined. Yay! I have a finish, a couple of new starts, and progress on my WIPs. I am so glad you are here. Grab a warm libation and settle in for a chat.
Thank you so much for joining me!
Places you can find me:
📱Instagram - @laladee_stitches
✉️ Email - [email protected]
☕️ Stitchy Goodness Fund- www.buymeacoffee.com/laladeestitches
What I Stitched This Month:
Nature's Journey- Stitch Sprout
Fantastical Greenhouse - Tiny Modernist
The Mad Tea Party - Bella Filipina
Alice in Wonderland Tree - Tiny Modernist
Alice Meets the Caterpillar - Gera!
Winter Seeds - Jessica Doize
Anniversaries of the Heart - Blackbird Designs
100 Owls - Owl Forest Embroidery
For Thee- Lila's Studio
Fungi Temperature Tracker - Una Buena Pieza
All the SALs-
🦄 Fantastical Greenhouse- By Tiny Modernist- Starts Feb 1st
🦋 Nature's Journey- By Sprouting Lupine - Featured in Just Cross Stitch Magazine 2025
🦢 Leap Year SAL- Anniversaries of the Heart
Who I watched this week:
All of these stitchers are lovely!! Check them out! 😁 I have more on my list to watch this week - I am looking forward to it!
A very special thank you to all who have mentioned me in their videos- thank you for being so kind. I am loving watching your videos too! I have "met" some new friends through this, and look so forward to watching more. ❤️
#xstitch #crossstitch #mirabilia #hawkrunhollow #newstart #needlework #flosstube #flosstubersofinstagram #crossstitching #tinymadernist #cottagegardensamplings #lilasstudio #unabuenapieza #carolynmanningdesigns #designworks #carriagehousesamplings #barbaraanadesigns #xstitching #embroidery #newyear #crossstitching #blackbirddesign #owlforestembroidery