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Instagram, Ravelry, and Bluesky: scienceknitster
This episode focuses on cross stitch, with a little knitting, spinning, and quilting...and the return of the Science Corner
#crossstitch #samplers #SALs
YouTubers mentioned:
Stitch Alongs:
Louise Vilvorder by Hands Across the Sea
Winter Wonderland by Primrose Cottage Stitches
New Starts:
Tom's Foolery by Hands Across the Sea Samplers
First Frost by Diana Bloom Designs
Bee My Valentine by Primrose Cottage
2 Phoenix 4 U by Modern Folk Embroidery
Calendar Crates January by Stitching with the Housewives
Works in Progress (WIPs):
With Love by Modern Folk Embroidery
Winter Sampler by Little House Needleworks
Gingerbread Village (Gingerbread in Cup) by Quaint Rose Needlearts
Mary Fosh by Running with Needles and Scissors
Rose City Rollers by Mara Catherine Bryner
Cali & Co Mystery Block of the Month by Corey Yoder