Flosstube #64 WIPS, One Red Thread, Finishes and Fabric Storage and Organization
IG: Texstylust
FB: McCleary Mercantile & Quilting
Email: [email protected]
YouTubers Mentioned:
@ThelittleGreenBean https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhafgX7XqeiNbB3alVSTjsLouSfMpX_Op&si=DUrIq2yqTnyq168y
Come, check out my progress on both one red thread stitches, Christmas every day, and plans for the next one red thread. I have a Quilt finish, and a lots of eye candy for fabric storage and organization.
Fat Quarter Storage: https://www.target.com/p/12-34-x-6-34-x-4-34-all-purpose-storage-1-2-storage-bin-brightroom-8482/-/A-83279865?ref=&ref=OpsEmail_Order_80690&j=1139745&sfmc_sub=242393024&l=652_HTML&u=69878601&mid=100019899&jb=1159038