Hi, I’m Leah Noel! In this video, I show you all the works in progress (WIPs) I worked on in 2024, with the exception of my 12 Starts of Christmas. Any project shown and flosstuber or shop name mentioned are all listed below. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments. You can also reach out to me on Instagram or email.
I invite you to subscribe so we can meet again. Thanks for watching!
IG: @rhubarbpatchstudio
email: [email protected]
WIPs Shown:
Mr. Rooster by The Howell’s Nest
Colored Sky by Leisure Arts
Autumn at Hawk Run Hallow by Carriage House Samplings
Portuguese Bird Sampler by Barbara Ana Designs
Witch’s Kitchen by SubRosa Designs
Ann Woodall 1847 by Smoky Mountain Stitchery
The Annual Border by The Drawn Thread
Frog in Pond, Animal Welcomes by Cross My Heart Inc.
Martha Carr 1838 by Cross Stitch Antiques
World Peace Angel by Lavender & Lace
Timber Mallards, Southward Bound by Leisure Arts
Easter Goose by SubRosa Designs
Good Things by Birds of a Feather
This is Halloween by Anastasia Yermakova
Wilbur by Teresa Kogut
Arc of White by Tempting Tangles
Remember Me by Birds of a Feather
Angel of Autumn by Lavender & Lace
Hearth and Home by Chessie & Me
Jumpin’ Jack Frost by Tempting Tangles
Jingle Bells Xmas Tree Farm by The Victoria Sampler
Holly by Notforgotten Farm
Ragnarok by Long Dog Samplers
Flora & Fauna by Willow Hill Samplings
Bienvenue en Normandie by Madame la Fee
“Easter is Coming” by Lilli Violette
Spring Cat Sampler by Kooler Designs
Faith Hope Peace Love Sampler by Teresa Kogut
Frances Ayrault Sampler by The Exemplarery
Let Examples Shine by Sheepish Designs
Be Here Now by The Drawn Thread
Bargello Sampler by Mary Hickmott Designs
Queen Bee by Marjorie Massey
Flosstuber Name Drops:
Corynne @corycreates08
Megan @wideeyedstitchingchild
Jessie @JessieMarieDoesStuff
Dana @gemstonestitches7632
Amy @Amylovestoads
Colette @highwaystitchercoletteking5633
Candace @CandaceK
Suzy @SuzyReno
Shops Mentioned:
The Howell’s Nest on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/ThehowellsnestStore
Sew Much 2 Luv: www.etsy.com/shop/SewMuch2Luv
Lailapcreations on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/LailapCreations
Quilting With Neko on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/quiltingwithneko
The Drawn Thread: www.drawnthread.com
Keepsakes: www.yourkeepsakes.com
Kitten Stitcher: www.kittenstitcher.com
One Wing Wool: www.onewingwool.com
Rag Tag Quilt Art on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/RagTagQuiltArt
Vintage Owl Lady on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/Vintageowllady
Canvory UA on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/CanvoryUA
Jackson Fabric Arts on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/JacksonFabricArts
Sheri Sew Sweet on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/sherisewsweet
Hummingbird Hollow on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/HummingbirdHollowUS
GaRon Tottenbags: www.garon-stitchery.com
Cross Stitch Fancies on IG: @xstitchfancies
The Exemplarery on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/TheExamplareryShop
Colour and Cotton: www.colourandcotton.com
Mary Hickmott Designs on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/MaryHickmottDesigns