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Fly Fishing the Appalachians for 3 Days! || Fly Fishing for Brook, Rainbow, and Brown Trout

Hardman Fishing Adventures 48,964 11 months ago
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Trout Routes: USE CODE "HARDMAN24" FOR 20% OFF YOUR YEAR SUBSCRIPTION!! FLY FISHING FOR BROWN TROUT, BROOK TROUT, AND RAINBOW TROUT IN NORTH CAROLINA! That first breath of fresh air when you get out of the car on a trip to the mountains is unparalleled. There’s nothing quite like that crisp air, the sound of running water, and knowing that Andrew and I had 3 days of fishing in the Appalachian mountains to look forward to. So, somewhere in the middle of North Carolina Public Land, Andrew and I got geared up and hit the stream. And just like that our first day in NC was over and I honestly think it went pretty well. We were able to get familiar with the area, see some awesome waterfalls, and Catch a few wild rainbow trout along the way.. something I’d never caught in North Carolina. But I’ll be honest with you guys, this trip went from being normal to going off the rails pretty quickly. Of course at this point we had no idea what was going to happen for the next 2 days. So we went to bed, got some sleep, and woke up bright and early and ready to take on a new day of fishing in the mountains. That brown trout was a very unexpected catch.. but not one we were entirely upset about. However for whatever reason I had the curse of not being able to catch a native brook trout which was our main goal for the day. I still think that North Carolina has a wild rainbow trout problem, because I’ve never seen creeks so polluted with wild rainbows before. Even in my home state it seems like rainbows and brookies get along far better than they do in these systems further south in Appalachia. Either way I was determined, so we took off to the headwaters to make one last ditch effort at a brook trout. After meeting up with Andrew we decided to change streams one last time before dark, which didn’t result in too many interesting fish catches taking place other than this one… BUT we did get to see another cool waterfall or two. Of course I’m not going to lie day 2 was a bit frustrating for us. We didn’t see nearly as many fish as we thought we should, and we ended up working really hard to find a few brook trout. Between the otters on the first creek and the incredible amount of people in the area due to the nice weather it was shaping up to be some tough fishing. But we still had hope for day 3 as we switched our sites from brook trout to wild brown trout… After finally being successful we called it a day. This trip was tough for Andrew and I. The fishing wasn’t too dissimilar to my last North Carolina trip in early fall last year but it was still slightly disappointing. But we did get to try some new water and saw some incredible scenery, which is really the entire reason I travel to North Carolina to begin with. If I wanted to catch big fish I can do that at home, or I would go to some of the more well known big fish states. It was also nice to meet up with Andrew again and be able to spend some time on the water with my best fishing buddy. Thanks for watching and if you made it this far consider subscribing because that’s one of the best ways to support us. Overall this trip was a fun escape from the busy day to day life of working our regular jobs. Trout fishing and being in the outdoors is always a blessing. Thanks to everybody who watches and supports the videos. #troutfishing #fishing #nature #outdoors #fish #flyfishing #northcarolina
