I recently tried out the Made-In-China Jet, COMAC C919! I flew from Guangzhou to Shanghai aboard China Southern Airlines’ first COMAC C919 in Business Class.
As an aviation geek, I was looking forward to this flight, as I hadn’t tried C919, a brand new narrow-body airliner developed by Chinese manufacturer COMAC.
China Southern received its first C919 from COMAC on August 28, 2024, and started its first C919 service on September 19. Currently the airline has received two C919s, with orders for an additional 103 the aircraft. Check out the Vlog. :)
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TRIP REPORT / China Southern Airlines COMAC C919 (B-919J) Business Class Flight Review : Guangzhou Baiyun International airport (CAN, China) to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport (SHA, China) China Southern’s first C919 Flight Experience.
중국이 개발한 최신 중대형 여객기, 코맥(Comac) C919 비즈니스석에 탑승했습니다. 보잉과 에어버스와 경쟁하겠다고 선언한 중국산 비행기 C919의 비즈니스석.. 과연 좋을까요?
중국 광저우에서 상하이까지 탑승한, "메이드 인 차이나" 비행기.. 탑승해보니 놀람과 충격의 연속이었는데... 과연 중국이 만든 비행기는 어떤 모습일까요?
🛫 채널 멤버십에 가입하여 혜택을 누려보세요
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중국남방항공 코맥(COMAC) C919 비즈니스 클래스 탑승 후기 : 중국 광저우공항 ~ 중국 상하이 훙차오공항 비즈니스석 탑승기 리뷰
南航第一架C919 商务舱全体验
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