"I won't go easy against you kiddo"
Song "Dusk RePurpled" by @UltraaVioletMusic
Original made by DatDavi and FluffyHairs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3CB_REXmAI
Corruption made by @PhantomFearYT and @PincerProd
New thumbnail by combo :D
Sprites, BG and icons from Reimagined team, edited using the flas
Edited sprites @combobolt and me
Also helped me with the icons for the new phases
CBF new phases edited by me and combo, i made the concept and combo helped me with the animation and fixing uncorrupting hair, also the special animation for both phases were made by me
DD new animation by Combo, i just did the concept, Combo used one of the hands from the recreation made by Xuca of the Deathmatch project DD
Port made by Combo and me
Chart. code and events by me
@Starrrdust_ im still pretty sure made the trail script if im wrong then tell me :c, also i used as reference one of the sprites Stardust made
This works as a second battle before exultant too :D