@TheSpyMan24 for editing
@CybrrByte for audio
And @CompletelySilvered for act 123 art he also has a Twitter account go and see
https:// x.com/StillUnsilvered?t=5CIQ24cMJ0oSMeyH8-dlbQ&s=09
So I forgot to do chromatic credit mb so here we go
Dave too far black heart dside dave (Steven) was made by @CybrrByte he also made chrome
Lillie’s chromatic was made by @memcrem
Xantus or fan made xantus chromatic was made by @NominalDingus
And yeah
I just want to say thank you all for what a amazing project this is thank you
@raulgoatpez for creating the song he did the best on it and thanks to you my subs and support for this hell of a project can’t wait to see what the future holds for all of us
And to all you think I’m gonna be like dr disrespectful or crus or all of those things no I’m 14 and will never become that
This will be the longest vid I have made right now
Now what are my thoughts after this idk whatever makes you happy or something I genuinely have no clue what to do next none well maybe something but not now I just want you to enjoy their cover to it’s fullest like I have it took at least 20 hours to finish this in my part so yeah! Hope everyone has a good day and I will se my self out thanks for being there
Now to write stuff to not get bored
Uhh @Entity39350 great YouTuber dose a lot of songs with a infected person and love it
@gamerlillie great job on making a full Mario galyaxy mod
@NominalDingus Good job on fwf and other songs
@JustCamilo Good work on your -bob and bosip mod
@Xanthus929 idk what you did but good work
@DJDiamondz39 good work on animations
To all who are like what is the story on this uhhh one it’s not real it’s just a dream
But I will give you some details
So Steven at a part in the song he starts to act a little off like more insane well that is because he gained self awareness like he saw his creator and saw all the pain he felt and knew it was all him and he starts to realize that’s he only a puppet dave doesn’t know because he is stupid but knows that he just had a crisis but he just thought it was because of his only friends that Steven had are dead in his eyes
The 4 being that are in act four are not 1 being
They are ixavear they is very different form anything else in this dream as
They resemble the normal of Dave the uhh loving nature (like yeah) of xantus the child like
Of sunky and the chill of lord x while he’s on crack
They are a entity that kinda has like a doppelgänger syndrome
We are a force not to be reckoned with we are the only four that serve for the fifth one WE ARE IXAVEAR.
Just what a great song that this is