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FNF Vs Sonic.exe - Hijacked Transmission (Official Remake) But Charted [Chart Collab]

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ITS FINALLY DONE!! Sorry for the huge ass delay for almost a month lol Anyways didn't expect this chart to get this much attention from the teaser alone and so i had to lock in on it. Also thanks for Function Silly for collabing with me on this chart! Anyways hope you guys enjoy the chart! :D ALSO NO I AINT RELEASING THIS!!!!!!!! (ALSO I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS VIDEO EXCEPT FOR THE CHART, and CODING ITSELF) People who collaborated in this chart- Timestamps Of Our Parts Starszinark: 0:00 Function Silly: 2:47 Starszinark 2: 3:26 Credits- Original Song By- Anonymous Original Audio- Rerun Sprites, BG By- Erick Animations and ImTrovert Rerun Created By- @ErickAnim101 BF Sprites By- Azuwure Charting By- Starszinark (Me), and @Lumix-m7s Coding By- @MerphiOfficial , and Starszinark Recolored BG By- @TheWaffl3Modder (thank you for recoloring the backgrounds lol) Also still shout out to @Tobi._cm for doing the recolor bg from the teaser thank you brah (i used it for thumbbnail lol) Also i used some assets from @An_UNKNOWN_being build for hijacked transmission!! (If theres someone i miss credit or miss someone, let me know in the comments) Tags ig #fnf #fridaynightfunkin #fnfsonicexe #sonicexefnf rerun, fnf hijacked transmission, hijacked transmission , fnf final broadcast, fnf horror show, fnf sonicexe
