Well, I remembered that a long time ago there was the first leaked build of Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2, which had the songs "Last Day" and "Sunsets". These songs are also in the full version of the mod, but they have been changed quite a lot. So let's compare the old and new versions of these songs to see the differences between them.
00:00 - Bad Ending (Last Day) Cutscene
00:16 - Last Day OLD
00:34 - Last Day NEW
00:52 - Last Day (Old Vs New Comparison)
02:36 - Good Ending (Sunsets) Cutscene
03:00 - Sunsets (Old Vs New Comparison)
- MOD -
Friday Night Funkin': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 1 & 2 - https://gamejolt.com/games/wednesdayinfidelity/672074
Leaked Build - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wCF-YgQ1PKs5co3fmPRkjeE14ARYIh0J/view
1. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity PART 2 - Wistfulness (Old Vs New) (w.i mickey mod v2 update) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqc7-_wuJLM&t=7s
2. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2 - Dejection (Old Vs New) (w.i mickey old & new comparison 2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmjYNtuDRzQ
3. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2 - Unknown Suffering (Old Vs New) (mickey 3nd song og vs remake) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--SC9gY9mm0
4. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2 - Battered (Old Vs New) (antipathy mickey song comparison) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emDINAdx7KY&t=17s
5. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2 - Unknown Suffering Vs Untold Loneliness (original vs d-side) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLgyKsY3TJ8
6. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2 - Last Day + Sunsets (Old Vs New) (leaked build vs full release) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdmMaq9ipH0
7. FNF': Wednesday's Infidelity Part 2 - Hellhole (Old Vs New) (leaked build vs full release 2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0fxDwHmrpY
I think that's enough for now :)