Friday Night Funkin is back!! WeekEnd 1 Update is the first of a long list of updates following the kickstarter. Take a look at all the new cutscenes from WeekEnd Update 1.
Note: I'm not going to spoil the entire songs, just a taste of how good they are. ALL cutscenes are included though.
All footage was recorded and playerd by myself, I do not allow sharing or reusing my content. Thanks for your understanding.
00:00 Loading WeekEnd Update 1
00:17 Darnell Cutscene
01:54 Darnell Song (Taster)
02:10 Lit Up Song (Taster)
02:28 2hot Song (Taster)
02:41 2hot Cutscene
03:06 Blazin Song (Taster)
03:23 WeekEnd 1 Ending Cutscene