ଛତୁ ଚାଷ ପାଇଁ Fogger ଓ Sprinkler
ବର୍ଷସାରା କରନ୍ତୁ ଛତୁ ଚାଷ
2ଗୁଣ ଅମଳ
2ଗୁଣ ଲାଭ
How do you start mushroom cultivation
What are the methods of mushroom cultivation
What is the duration of mushroom cultivation
What is the concept of mushroom cultivation
The edible fungus is generally known as Mushroom
It grows alone on dead organisms or in symbiosis with other organisms
125°F to 130°F is the most perfect temperature because de-ammonifying organism grow well in this range
Humidity should be more than 70%
But in summer the temperature and humidity can not be mantained normally
Therefore farmer should use Fogger and Sprinkler
It is easy to use and production will be increased
farmer can cultivate the mushroom throughout year
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