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Follicular Study क्या होती है और क्यों की जाती है | Follicular Study in Hindi | Dr Supriya Puranik

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Buy On Website - Buy On Amazon - Buy On Flipkart - Fertility Monitor - Hello, I am Dr Supriya Puranik, IVF Consultant & Gynaecologist for the last 20 years. In this video, I will explain what is a follicular study/ follicular monitoring and why is it important for you to get pregnant faster. What are Follicles? Follicles are fluid-filled sacs of the ovaries that can contain an egg. Women have two ovaries, one on the right and one on the left. During the first week or so after your period begins, both ovaries are at work growing the tiny follicles that could become mature eggs. However, around day 7, one follicle becomes the dominant egg and the other follicles eventually degenerate. Dominant Egg continues to grow in preparation for release with the help of your hormones FSH, Estrogen. Once the follicle reaches 16mm - 21mm size, it ruptures to release the egg. This is called Ovulation. What is Follicular Study and how does it work? Follicular study is done by Ultrasound Scans in the clinic or hospital. It allows doctors to know if the growth of your follicles is normal and Ovulation is actually happening. It also tells them if there is any issue like cysts in the Ovary. Ultrasound monitoring usually begins on day 3 of the cycle, to assess a baseline size, as well as exclude if there are any cyst. From day 7, the dominant follicle which is expected to ovulate can be identified and scans are done every alternate day. With every scan, the size of the follicle is measured and once the follicle reaches 16 mm size, daily monitoring of follicle is recommended. The follicle will grow in size and then rupture to release the egg. This is an indication of Ovulation. Follicular Study is the most accurate way to track ovulation and check the follicle growth and any other issues. But it has some disadvantages also. What are the disadvantages of Follicular Study? The biggest problem is that it adds to stress and anxiety. It’s a proven fact that mental pressure might actually bring down the fertility levels and a desire to have sex, which further reduces your chances of conception. Work and career get affected because you need frequent scanning. We lead busy lives these days, and spending hours travelling and sitting in the doctor’s office is not easy or practical. Regular follicular scans would essentially mean taking leaves from work. The most accurate way to do the Follicular Scans is a transvaginal scan. But because women find it invasive, many scan centres ask for an abdominal one whose accuracy is less than trans-vaginal scans. Check out our other videos - Pregnant कैसे बने with Inito Fertility Monitor - प्रेग्नेंट कैसे बने? | How to get pregnant or conceive? | Hindi | Dr Supriya Puranik- नॉर्मल डिलीवरी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स | Tips for Normal Delivery | Dr Supriya Puranik, Pune - प्रेग्नन्सी के ७ महत्वपूर्ण लक्षण | 7 Early Pregnancy Symptoms - Hindi | Dr Supriya Puranik, Pune- #FollicularStudy #FollicularScan #FollicularMonitoring
